Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's a New Day in America

The 2008 election is finally over and president-elect Barack Obama is set to become the 44th president of the United States of America. While many Republicans may feel angry over the results of the election, they most go back and reorganize themselves for the future and for now stick to their principles in congress. It’s not impossible; the Republics won congress during the Clinton years. I believe that John McCain lost because of the great the disaster that is Sarah Palin, and deviating from the center to win over the Republican base. John McCain’s time was in 2000 and unfortunately for America he lost to GW Bush.

Now on to president-elect Obama. I truly hope and believe that he can govern in the center pull America from the depths back to its rightful place as the leader in world affairs. I am proud of America for electing the first black man to the presidency, and I will forever remember where I was when he won, in an ancient with no cable picking up TV singles with a fork attached to the television. Today I am proud to be American, and wish Mr. Obama all the best in his challenge as president. God Bless the United States.

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