The taking of the oath of office, the most solemn part of the ceremony, was the only part of today that went wrong for the new president as Chief Justice Roberts, going without notes, mangled the wording. However, even with the slip up Barack's good humor showed through and he delivered a wonderful speech. There are many great lines, and some will be quoted throughout history, my favorite is

This line just resounds with the me and those like me who believe in America and the unconquerable American spirit. It does not say that America is looking for a fight. It says, even with a new president, America will not waiver; we will defend any harm that comes to us and we will not be defeated.
Today also saw the departure of George Bush, and while he came in on a surge of excitement after eight years of Bill Clinton (I know and was at W's first inauguration), he squandered his goodwill on Iraq, Abu Gharib, Guantanamo Bay, and financial crises. And though I was young when he entered office, I believed that he would make America a better place, but he failed. He failed miserably. I can honestly say I am not sorry to see his departure.
Though with his departure it is now up to Mr. Obama to fulfill his promises, and though we do not expect miracles, we do expect him to fix the economy without protectionist inclinations and restore Americas reputation as the freest and greatest nation on God's earth today.
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