Friday, November 14, 2008

Klosterman and Bulgakov

Chuck Klosterman is my one of my favorite writers. I have read all of his books (with the exception of his newest book) and believe that he is one of the best writers out there right now. Yesterday I was reading some of his old articles for Esquire, and came across what is my absolute favorite “The Importance of Being Hated”. This article discusses the fact that everyone has a nemesis and an archenemy. Your nemesis is one you kind of like where your archenemy is someone you hate with a passion. I recommend reading the article. I easily picture both my nemesis and archenemy.

I am right now halfway through Bulgkov’s “Master and Margarita” which I am really impressed with. The devil running wild in Soviet Russia and pretty much reeking havoc on anyone he meets, the flashbacks to Christ’s death, and the allusions to other famous works by Goethe, Gogol, Lermantov, make this a wonderful work. I am truly surprised that it not more widely read and known.

Another small note I have been recently re-watching my Arrested Development DVDs and still find the show to be hilarious I’ll never understand way it did not find a large audience.

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