Friday, August 28, 2009

Because It's a Tarantino Film

First let me start by stating that I have seen Inglorious Bastards and found to be highly enjoyable as I have most Tarantino films. When one sees a Tarantino film one expects to hear sharp dialogue and view violence, and his new endeavor provided both.

In today's cinematic world the stars of the film are usually the drawing point, the director usually doesn't matter. To the average citizen the stars are the biggest drawing point followed closely by the plot and director. However, I think that Tarantino is one of the few directors around who is able to draw precisely because he is the director. The plot needed not matter as a very large percentage of the movie going public will pay to see the film because of Tarantino's name.

There exist very few directors in Hollywood today who can draw people based on their name, and struggle to think of any that attract myself. While I like Ron Howard, Spielberg, and Ritchie, I don't need to go to the theater to see their latest films as I am perfectly capable of waiting for them to be released on DVD. Tarantino is the only director whose films I need to see in theater, and for the director to be a draw to the film as much as the actors today is very impressive.

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